Insurance Service Fontana

Various Types of Health Insurance

According to the type of health benefits they offer, health insurance plans can be divided into 4 types of insurance plans of which every brand offers one or more:

  • Health Maintenance Organisations (HMOs): There are a network of healthcare providers from whom you can take treatments. Though there is not much freedom to choose your doctor, there is little paperwork involved.
  • Preferred Paperwork Organization (PPO): The network of healthcare professional still exists but you are allowed to select an out-of-network doctor too at your own cost.
  • Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO): Here also you can choose from out-of-the-network doctor but it is not covered. Though the premium is low.
  • Point-of-Service-Plans (POSP): You can choose your healthcare provider but you need a referral from your primary care physicist. Plus, some paperwork is involved.

Rais Insurance services will help you select the most suited Health Insurance Fontana Plan along with Auto Insurance Fontana, Home Insurance Fontana, Life Insurance Fontana, and Flood Insurance Fontana.
